Wednesday, June 20, 2007

living amidst power, but not driven by power?

Upper Room Daily Reflection for June 19, 2007:

TEACH US, O GOD, not to live in a community driven by power. Settle our flurry of activity and talk, and create a community where all are close to you and to one another. Amen.
- Richard Morgan, Settling In
From page 98 of Settling In: My First Year in a Retirement Community by Richard Morgan.

Today’s Scripture Reading
Paul wrote, “Now that faith has come, we are no longer subject to a disciplinarian (the law), for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.”
- Galatians 3:25, NRSV

Jessica's never-ending questions without answers, in response to the Upper Room Daily Reflections:

How do we balance the need for a certain amount of structure for stability/sustainability and realize that power dynamics are always at play – but also remember that our community should not be driven by it? Kind of an “in the world but not of it” kind of thing.

Another question, coming from the interfaith and/or postmodern/post-colonial perspective – is a “community not driven by power” the ideal/goal of many other religions? Is a “community not driven by power” mainly a Christian ideal? or an ideal of the core of peace-oriented, socialist-leaning sector in a variety of traditions, maybe?

It seems to me that Islam, as I’ve come to understand it, has everything to do with submitting to power – the power of God, of course – but nonetheless, the way I view God, the world, etc. just doesn’t really gel with that idea (I'm a little sold on the idea of co-creation with God and each other, God's omnipresence, etc.) – maybe it should, and I’m thus 1) a bad Christian and 2) less able to relate to my Abrahamic brothers and sisters and have effective dialogue (or at least less deep understanding). So be it. If I should change, let it happen. If I should stick my head in a hole and not talk to the rest of the world because I don't agree with them and they don't "get" me, let that happen as well - I have a feeling I'd never let that happen, my ears itching too much to stay there.

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